100 Days The Braver Angels Way

July 30, 2024 marks 100 days before the presidential election and Indiana is leading the way with its statewide campaign to train volunteers to run a variety of workshops and information sessions across the state.

Questions?  Drop in for "Office Hour" with Indiana Volunteer Coordinator Miles Eddy at 4pm on the 28th of each month until the elections.  Register to get the Zoom link here.  Or email [email protected] or give him a call/text at  (8 1 2)   3  6 1 - 0 0 6 7

Learn More about Braver Angels

Visit our national website for more about what we do, register for a workshop, or how you can take action in our Civic Renewal Movement.

Visit National Braver Angels Website

Request a Speaker


Participate in Our Civic Renewal Movement

There are many ways to be a part of depolarizing Indiana and our country leading up to the 2024 presidential elections and beyond.  The first thing you can do is to request a speaker to come to your own communities such as your church, school, or other organizations you support.

Request a Speaker


Office Hours

Periodically Indiana Volunteer Coordinator Miles Eddy will have Office Hours on Zoom to give updates on the "100 Days The Braver Angels Way" campaign,  help you find ways to get involved, and discuss strategies for how to best promote depolarization in Indiana.  You can reach out to him directly at [email protected] or give him a call or text at (812) 361-0067.  

The next Zoom call for anyone interested in volunteering, or just curious about what this campaign is about, will be at 4pm Sunday, July 30.  Register below and we'll send you the Zoom link.

Register for 100 Days Campaign Office Hours


Another way to help out is to simply support us financially.  All funds go through our trusted national website and 80% of all funds come back to the Indiana team to pay for travel for our volunteer ambassadors and workshop moderators.

Donate to Braver Angels Indiana

Trustworthy Elections

Building trust in the integrity of our elections.

In 2022, Braver Angels engaged hundreds of members on a deep-dive into the topic of “how to ensure Trustworthy Elections” using the format of the Common Ground workshop. In each of the workshops that were held around the country, Red and Blues first met separately, each with their own moderator, to create a list they all agreed on. If any participant didn’t agree, and if changing the wording didn’t solve the problem, the point was removed from the list. Then both groups came together and again anyone on either side could bump the point off the list. In the end they came up with SEVEN-HUNDRED-TWENTY-SEVEN points of agreement! I’ll say that again; 727 unanimous points of agreement about trustworthy elections across values, concerns, and solutions based on 26 workshops with 194 evenly-balanced Red and Blue participants. A summary report was sent to our congressional and state representatives and is available to anyone to use.

View Full Report on Trustworthy Elections

by Miles Eddy

100 Days The Braver Angels Way

Imagine a couple hundred conservatives sitting side-by-side with a couple hundred liberals to watch the recent Presidential Debate.  What do you think would happen?  Last June that is exactly where I was at the Braver Angels convention in Kenosha, Wisconsin and I can tell you that American Hope is alive and well!  We laughed, we cried, and after the debate we entered into respectful conversation.


Now imagine Democrats helping out at the RNC in Milwaukee and Republicans helping out at the DNC in Chicago.  The prospect of “the other side” being at a national convention may concern some, but here too it represents Americans coming together to support the democratic process despite fears that the other side’s candidate may be a threat to our Democratic Republic.


July 30 marks 100 days before the presidential election and Braver Angels Indiana is leading the way with its statewide campaign.  Trained volunteers will be running a variety of workshops and information sessions across the state.  Miles Eddy is one of three State Coordinators, Red/Blue/Independent leaning, speaking about depolarizing.  If you would like to volunteer or to request a speaker at your location, visit www.BraverAngelsIndiana.org or email [email protected]

Braver Angels Indiana State Coordinators

Don Byrd (Blue Leaning)

[email protected] 



Braver Angels has been in existence for only a few years, but in terms of our main goal -- depolarizing the country -- it feels like it's been a very long time! It's been said that the United States have been disuniting in recent years, and it seems like a symptom of that appears in the news almost every day. Indiana is no different from the rest of the country. I live in Bloomington, the center of Braver Angels activity in Indiana. 

Many people on both the Left and the Right are convinced these days that many people on the other side are either stupid or just don't care about the country; either way, talking to them is a waste of time. But I've found talking to people on the other side incredibly enlightening: so often they view things in a way that makes sense but which never would have occurred to me! I'm firmly convinced that the overwhelming majority of people on both "sides" of the political spectrum are reasonably intelligent people of good will who sincerely want the best for the country. If you're a Hoosier, welcome, and please give Braver Angels a chance to enlighten you.

Don Byrd
Braver Angels State Coordinator for Indiana

William Ellis (Red Leaning)

[email protected] 

Miles Eddy (Other Leaning)

[email protected]

Miles Eddy joined Braver Angels in 2018 after attending Indiana’s first depolarizing workshop in Bloomington.  Soon after he trained as a workshop moderator and was co-chair of the local alliance.  His now travels across Indiana as a State Coordinator speaking about the many ways Braver Angels is helping to build a civic renewal moment.  


Born in 1960, his father was a minister and his mother a school teacher and he is a life-long learner of the human condition.  He got his degree from Colorado State University in Computer Science, but soon decided to pursue a more creative path as a musician, videographer, and professional juggler.  Working closely with Braver Music, he inspires to bring people together through performance and public speaking.


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Braver Angels Indiana

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